Image Exchange

Nuvodia Share

Nuvodia Share provides a fully-managed, cloud-based Medical Image Management platform build to connect healthcare providers to the radiology data they need. Partner with Nuvodia to:

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Why Nuvodia Share?

Nuvodia Share is a cloud-based image exchange platform created to enable providers to share medical images with other care providers, hospitals, and patients.

Nuvodia Share provides a fully-managed, cloud-based Medical Image Management platform built to connect healthcare providers to the radiology data they need. Nuvodia Share extends the capabilities of Philips IntelliSpace PACS into hospitals and clinics where prior imaging was performed, or future imaging is scheduled. Available through a simple click, Nuvodia Share allows you to send or receive images securely using our cloud-based platform.

Quickly and securely upload medical images to our cloud-based platform, where shared access is fast and easy. No longer is it necessary to create secure network tunnels to transfer images; with Nuvodia Share, you can share anytime, with anyone.

How to Use Nuvodia's Image Exchange

Cloud-based medical image management systems do not require installing software on your computer or maintaining a server in your office space. This all-inclusive solution eliminates the need for backups, maintenance, security measures, and system uptime concerns. Here’s how the Nuvodia Share system works:


Why You Need a Cloud-Based Medical Image Management System

Storage of medical images has always been an issue for healthcare professionals. The transition to digital imaging in the past decade has become more and more of a problem. Just as files of all kinds have become larger with higher resolutions, so have medical images. 

CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, and other procedures produce voluminous amounts of data that needs to be stored securely but are also easily accessible when needed.

Cloud-based storage offers one solution to this problem. Rather than taking up space on local servers or hard drives, cloud storage allows users to access the files remotely through an internet connection. This will enable employees in different locations who would not usually have access to the duplicate files to view and share them.


Why You Need Nuvodia Share Medical Image Management

Cloud-based image management offers many advantages to improve information sharing among your staff and patients — it’s worth considering for your company’s needs.



Improve collaboration between radiology departments, referring physicians, hospitals, research institutions, and other stakeholders. Cloud-based image management systems allow remote access, increasing scalability opportunities as you and your team can view, review, and collaborate on imaging from different locations.



Cloud-based medical image management systems use sophisticated security measures to protect sensitive patient data from unauthorized access because all the data is stored remotely on secure servers that are not accessible from outside networks except for authorized personnel who have been granted access rights.



A cloud-based system can be structured to be compliant and designed to minimize unauthorized access to PHI (Protected Health Information). Nuvodia Share stores data in a secured and encrypted environment. In addition, data transfer between Nuvodia Share and other systems is protected using TLS services or VPN tunnels.


Disaster Recovery

A cloud-based system is always on, unlike a physical server that can have downtime due to natural disasters, power outages, or other unforeseen events. This means there’s no need for expensive firewalls or physical space requirements to host the server. In addition, when paired with managed IT solutions, our cloud-based systems can recover data backups immediately.


Eliminate Hardware

Cloud-based image management systems are fast, efficient, and easy to use. You can start using it immediately without installing software or setting up your server. Having one centralized location where all imaging data lives means that everyone who needs access can get it quickly without any setup time.


High Availability

Nuvodia Share is highly available; when you want to use your medical imaging system, there will always be an active instance of it waiting for you. Cloud-based medical image management systems can be accessed through simple web browsers or mobile devices and give you access to a complete record of your data set at any time and from any location.

Client Feedback


Micki D.

"Great support, even when my request changes 3 times!"

Brian O.

"The gentleman I spoke with was very knowledgeable and on point. Got me access right when I needed it too. Thank you very much for all your help this morning!"

Ryan A.

"All Nuvodia help desk techs are amazing and provide excellent support for all Stillwater Medical needs."

Dean J.

"Quick resolution to my problem."


How Does It Work?

Our Image Exchange solution provides best-in-class workflow management and robust features, including:

  1. Instant, Web-Based Access
  2. Streamlined Clinical, Diagnostic & Administrative Workflow
  3. Seamless & Secure Management of Patient Data — Including Storage, Tracking & Sharing
  4. Easy Deployment, Implementation, Training, Scalability & Usability

Our costs are based on your business and number imaging studies you process per year, so we only charge for what you are asking us to take care of. Our team would be happy to get you a specific quote to show costs for your business.

Our agreements range from 1 to 5 years depending on the needs of your business.  However, our goal is to become a long term partner with our customers, not just another vendor. Our team wants to help you bring your vision to life through technology!

Just fill out the form on our site, chat with one of our team members or give us a call. We will ask you a couple questions about your business needs and goals to generate a custom quote and agreement. We look forward to working together!


Image Exchange Solution

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